Uses & Indications: 100% Natural Moringa Capsules, Dietary nutritional supplement, anti-aging, promotes healthy skin, provides energy, endurance and metal clarity, helps prevent disease.
Moringa Seed Oil
Uses & Indications: The seed extract oil of moringa is popular for its therapeutic skin care benefits and skin purifying and anti-aging properties.
Uses & Indications: There are several species of Aloe Vera but only four have significant nutrient value. Ours is the most nutrient sense of all. Aloe Vera is anti inflammatory and aids digestion. True Aloe is quite bitter so taking capsules is the best way to get the full nutrient value of aloe. Aloe Vera is a natural treatment against diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, erythematosis, and ulcerative. It's protect and improve the body immune system.
Olefra Moringa Micronutrients Concentrate
Our Moringa powder can consumed with mix in any smoothies, tea, soup and breakfast cereal, oatmeal and food spices.
For Product Distributor
100 % Moringa Capsules
Business Starter Pack
5 Pouch Bag of Moringa 450mg 150 capsules - $105.00 ($21.00 per pouch bag)
100% Moringa Leaf Powder
Business Starter Pack
5 Pouch Bag of Moringa Leaf Powder 1 lb - $175.00 ($35.00 per 1 lb bag)
Moringa Oleifera as Treatment for Gout & ArthritisFor many centuries Moringa Oleifera was used in traditional medicine, such as the "Ayurveda", as a treatment Arthritis and Gout. It was believed that Moringa Leaf Powder reduce inflammations and pain caused by these conditions.
In 2008 the Faculty of Medicine Health Sciences of the Putra University in Malaysia, published a research aimed to test if Moringa poses any Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory activities, the same activities achieved by the drugs used in modern medicine such as NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). The research found that the Moringa leaves posses substances that have antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activitie; in fact they found that it has high quantities of these substances. This means that Moringa Oleifera use in Indian traditional medicine as a treatment for Arthritis and Gout.
The effects of the Moringa is suppressing the COX-2 enzyme. This enzyme is responsible for inflammation processes and pain. Usually the drugs used to suppress this enzyme are NSAID such as Voltaren, Nksin, Adoil, ARCOXIA, Kaspo etc. The side effects of these products include risk for stroke, kidney problems, blood vessels problems, stomach problems and the list goes on.
Elevated Blood Pressure
Blood pressure tends to rise with age. Following a healthy lifestyle helps some people delay or prevent this rise in blood pressure.
High blood pressure increases your chance (or risk) for getting heart disease and/or kidney disease, and for having a stroke. It is especially dangerous since it often has no warning signs or symptoms. Regardless of race, age, or gender, anyone can develop high blood pressure. It is estimated that one in every four American adults has high blood pressure. Once high blood pressure develops, it usually lasts a lifetime.
High blood pressure can eventually cause blood vessels in the eye to burst or bleed. Vision may become blurred or otherwise impaired and can result in blindness. As people get older, arteries throughout the body “harden,” especially those in the heart, brain, and kidneys. High blood pressure is associated with these “stiffer” arteries. This, in turn, causes the heart and kidneys to work harder. The kidneys act as filters to rid the body of wastes. Over time, high blood pressure can narrow and thicken the blood vessels of the kidneys. The kidneys filter less fluid, and waste builds up in the blood. The kidneys may fail altogether.
High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart attack. The arteries bring oxygen-carrying blood to the heart muscle. If the heart cannot get enough oxygen, chest pain, also known as “angina,” can occur. If the flow of blood is blocked, a heart attack results. High blood pressure is the number one risk factor for congestive heart failure (CHF). CHF is a serious condition in which the heart is unable to pump enough blood to supply the body’s needs.
The important nutrients needed by a person suffering from high blood pressure are Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, and Vitamin E. Moringa contains these entire nutrient in it. Moringa contains Vitamin C helps support the body’s production of nitric oxide, which is critical to normal functioning of blood vessels. The better your blood vessels work, the lower your risk of hypertension. Calcium is needed for smooth muscle relaxation and contraction; increased consumption can have a direct effect on blood vessels. It’s best to get your calcium from your diet; studies have found that compared with supplements, dietary calcium has twice the benefits for blood pressure.
Potassium content of the Moringa is 15 times more compared to Banana. Potassium acts by increasing sodium excretion in the urine, which helps blood vessels dilate, and changing the interactions of hormones that affect blood pressure.
Diet high in magnesium benefits those with hypertension, most likely by contributing to the relaxation of the smooth muscles of the blood vessels. Moringa also contains magnesium along with zinc and vitamin E which takes part in decreasing the blood pressure along with other nutrients.
Aging affects our social environment. Symptoms of old age includes wrinkles and liver spots on the skin, hair loss , lessened hearing , poor eyesight , slower reaction times and agility , reduced ability to think clearly , difficulty recalling memories , greater susceptibility to bone diseases such as osteoarthritis. Elderly people tend to have lower body temperatures and infections that would cause fever. Elderly pneumonia sufferers may present symptoms such as rapid breathing, reduced appetite and reduced functioning. Elderly urinary tract infection sufferers may present symptoms such as incontinence, confusion and may suffer from falls.
Moringa/Malunggay is rich in vitamin to the extent that it is one of the richest plant source of Vitamins. Moringa has Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin K. Vitamin A is needed to prevent night blindness, promotes healthy skin, and fights infections. Vitamin C is needed to maintain healthy gums, assists in healing wounds, and helps the body use iron. Vitamin E will protect your body against free radical damage to cells. Calcium and Vitamin D are essential to maintain strong bones and teeth.
The list of Minerals present in Moringa is abundant and few of the main minerals include Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the growth, maintenance, and reproduction of the human body. Blood coagulation, transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and relaxation, normal heart beat, stimulation of hormone secretion, activation of enzyme reactions, as well as other functions, all require small amounts of calcium. After age 50, more calcium or 1,200 milligrams are needed to prevent a disease called osteoporosis. As you age, minerals in your bones are lost and bones may get thinner.
Moringa contains all the essential minerals needed for maintaining strong bones. Good nutrition can help lessen the effects of diseases prevalent among elderly population and improve their quality of life.
Moringa/Malunggay is the richest source of Calcium. Malunggay has 17 times more Calcium than that of milk, helps to prevent the occurrence of osteoporosis during old age and strengthen the bones of the young and middle age people. Moringa, with 25 times more Iron than that of Spinach, helps in the formation of hemoglobin and myoglobin, which carry the oxygen in the blood and the muscle. Iron also makes up part of many proteins and enzymes in the body, deficiency of which leads to the weakening of the immune system, helps in improving the mental ability as the oxygen supply to the brain increases.
Moringa For Lactating Mothers
A new born baby has only three demands. They warmth in the arms of its mother, food from her breast and security in the knowledge of her presence. Breast feeding satisfies all the three.
Breast milk is the natural and complete food for infants. It is safe, inexpensive and provides all nutrients most babies need for the first 6 months of life. Researches have shown that breastfed babies are less like to suffer eczema, food allergy and respiratory illness than formula-fed babies. In the philippines, 85 % of mothers initiated breast feeding soon after delivery but only 22% of these mothers are still exclusively feeding by one month old. Most mothers after initiating expression of breast milk on the first few days postpartum complain of insufficient volume of breast milk. This has prompted mothers to shift their children to bottle feeding and stop breast feeding.
Galactagogues are herbs that promote and establish the flow of mother’s milk. Moringa/Malunggay is one of the most studied herbs in the Philippines. As a galactogogue, several studies confirm its efficacy. However, it is usually promoted to be given 3 days postpartum or after delivery to induce lactation. The lactation enhancing effects of Moringa leaves as evidenced by a greater increase in maternal serum prolactin levels. Prolactin is the most important hormone in the initiation of laction. Moringa/Malunggay capsules are effective galactagogues if given prior to delivery with onset of adequate amount.
Athletes and Active Life Styles
Constant practice is the key to the success of athletes and sportsmen. But the real secret behind is proper nutrition. Moringa provides people with active lifestyle all the essential vitamins, minerals and protein and helps them in various ways and mainly to improve their strength. Moringa provides the body with 100% natural Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Calcium Iron and many other nutrients. These nutrients are readily bio-available and helps to boost energy instantly. In contrast to caffeine, Moringa not only adds energy but also supplies essential nutrients for the body.
Improves Endurance and Provide Energy
Moringa, with its high Vitamin A and Vitamin C contents, combined with its extraordinary Iron content. Helps to improve the hemoglobin content of the blood. This in turn helps the blood to deliver more oxygen to the muscles during aerobic and endurance exercises. The increased Oxygen carried by the blood also helps to increase the metabolic rate and assists in burning unwanted fat deposited in the body.
Children and Young Adults
Lack of consumption of balanced nutrients or feeding the wrong kind of food leads to an accumulation of toxins within the body, resulting in chronic diseases. Since no single food group can nourish the body with all the vital ingredients it requires, it is important that we consume a variety of healthy foods to derive the nutrition our body needs. Children are the vulnerable groups, they need complete nutrition for their growth, physical and mental fitness.
Moringa is a very good natural supplement needed by every child for their well being. Calcium is particularly important in building strong bones and teeth. Calcium, the most abundant mineral in the body, gets particular attention for its role in keeping bones strong. Moringa contains 17 times the calcium content in milk. Fractures reported among children and young adults are on the rise due to calcium deficiency. It is also a key mineral needed for muscular contractions, wound healing and proper function of hormones and neurotransmitters in the brain. Calcium in the blood helps maintain heart rhythm, and promotes proper blood clotting and muscular function.
Magnesium is important to 300 bodily functions, including the muscles, nerves and heart. It boosts your immune system and strengthens bones. Iron is an oxygen-carrying component of the blood. Children need iron for expanding blood volume which is accompanied during periods of rapid growth. Iron content of Moringa is 25 times of iron in spinach.
When children do not eat enough fruits and vegetables they run the risk of having low intakes of vitamins A and C. B Complex Vitamins (thiamin, niacin, riboflavin and other B vitamins) come from a variety of foods, including grain products, meat and meat substitutes and dairy products. Most of the children are not consuming the healthy foods instead they are attracted towards the mal-nutrient snack foods.
When appetites slow down and children do not seem to be eating nutritiously, concerned parents consider using a vitamin-mineral supplement. Moringa plant is one of the richest sources of Vitamins. Moringa has Vitamin A (Beta Carotene), Vitamin B1 (Thiamine), Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Vitamin B3 (Niacin), Vitamin B6 Pyrodixine), Vitamin B7 (Biotin), Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid), Vitamin D (Cholecalciferol), Vitamin E (Tocopherol) and Vitamin K, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. Moringa has 17 times more Calcium than that of milk, Moringa, with 25 times more Iron than that of Spinach, 15 times the potassium in banana assists in the regulation of the acid-base and water balance in the blood and the body tissues. It assists in protein synthesis of amino acids and in carbohydrate metabolism.
Vitamins and other nutrients are critically important for the proper physical, cognitive and even emotional development of young children. Vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients help create the neurotransmitters that relay signals between these brain Children who do not get adequate nutrition in their first few years of life are more likely to have problems throughout life. This includes lower IQ, slower language and motor development, and poor school performance.
Moringa Oleifera: A treatment for Diabetes
Diabetes is a metabolic disorder where the human body does not produce or properly uses insulin, a hormone that is required to convert sugar, starches, and other food into energy. Diabetes mellitus is characterized by constant high levels of blood glucose (sugar). Human body has to maintain the blood glucose level at a very narrow range, which is done with insulin and glucagons.
The abnormally high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) resulting from insufficient levels of the hormone insulin which is characteristic symptoms polyuria, polydipsia, glucoseuria, unexplained weight loss, and lethargy. There are two types of diabetes: Type I diabetes known as insulin dependent diabetes and Type II diabetes refer to insulin non dependent diabetes. Diabetes II can be avoided through proper dieting, medication and regular exercise.
Diabetes will lead to complications such as retinopathy, neuropathy, nephropathy, cardiovascular problems etc., researchers recently reported that vitamin D is essential for the islet cells in the pancreas to be able to secrete insulin properly. The studies have shown that individuals with low vitamin D levels experienced the worst blood sugar-handling problems and had a greater risk of developing diabetes. Moringa as a rich source of ascorbic acid helps in insulin secretion. It is interesting to note that certain nutrients like vitamins B1, B2, B12, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, protein and potassium – along with small frequent meals containing some carbohydrate – can actually stimulate production of insulin within the body.
Vitamin A as an antioxidant helps convert beta-carotene efficiently, which reduces the risk of blindness in diabetics. Vitamin B 12 can help people suffering form diabetic neuropathy. High dose supplements of vitamin C have been shown to prevent sorbitol accumulation and glycosylation of proteins, both of which are important factors in the development of diabetic complications such as cataracts. Studies have shown that a low vitamin-E concentration was associated with a 3.9 times greater risk of developing diabetes. Vitamin E reduces oxidative stress, thus improving membrane physical characteristics and related activities in glucose transport. This antioxidant promotes healing of diabetes-related lesions. Magnesium helps in the metabolism of glycogen, Mg works closely with vitamin B 6 to help the metabolic process with in the cell. Moringa has all these nutrients and helps the diabetic patient control their blood glucose level.
Antioxidant Properties To Boost Your Immune System
If you want to stay healthy, you need to feed your body properly. Although it is recommended to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables, the food pyramid is considered by many to be inadequate for individuals who are trying to maintain their optimum health. So we need supplements which will provide the entire essential nutrients needed by our body.
Moringa is recommended as nutrient supplement because it helps digest the food by supplying the minerals for effective digestion. This will help your body to totally absorb all the food nutrients.
The Moringa plant provides a rich and rare combination of zeatin, quercetin, β-sitosterol, caffeoylquinic acid and kaempferol. Moringa Oleifera is very important for its medicinal value. Various parts of this plant such as the leaves, roots, seed, bark, fruit, flowers and immature pods act as cardiac and circulatory stimulants, possess antitumor, antipyretic, antiepileptic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antispasmodic, diuretic, antihypertensive, cholesterol lowering, antioxidant, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Oxidative by-products of normal metabolism cause extensive damage to DNA, protein, and lipid. This damage (the same as that produced by radiation) is a major contributor to aging and to degenerative diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, immune-system decline, brain dysfunction and cataracts.
Research is increasingly showing that those who eat antioxidant-rich foods reap health benefits. Moringa supplements can boost antioxidant levels, Moringa contains 46 antioxidants that helps the cells neutralize the free radicals due to oxidative stress.
Antioxidants are also involved in the prevention of cellular damage — the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of diseases. Athletes have a keen interest because of health concerns and the prospect of enhanced performance and/or recovery from exercise. Increased intake of vitamin E is a protection against exercise induced oxidative damage. Moringa contains Vitamin E that neutralizes these damaging conditions.
Managing Diabetes
There is no cure for diabetes. However, there are several ways to manage the condition in order to keep insulin at the proper level. There are several different techniques and strategies for managing diabetes. Some of them include:
* carefully monitoring one's diet in order to keep blood sugar levels in check;
* using insulin injections as needed to maintain optimal levels in those whose bodies don't produce the hormone;
* keeping a close eye on blood sugar levels by using special kits that measure insulin and sugar in the blood; and
* following an exercise routine in order to keep blood pressure levels in check.
Moringa Oleifera for Cancer Prevention or Treatment
As we learn more about cancer, we are empowered to use more of the tools which nature has created for us to help battle this terrible disease. The fight against cancer exists on many fronts, encompassing both prevention and treatment methods. In the past we have put all of our faith in pharmaceutical drugs, however these are not the only weapons we have at our disposal to do battle with cancer. Moringa Oleifera is a plant which is known to have many medicinal properties. It is becoming very clear that this natural resource is a helpful ally in a comprehensive treatment of cancer.
Moringa has been shown in studies to have an anti-tumor capacity. Moringa contains benzyl isothiocyanate. There are many studies that have shown this chemical and compounds derived thereof to have anti-cancer and chemoprotective capabilities. This chemoprotective aspect is critical for those who are battling cancer; this helps strengthen cells so that they can tolerate chemotherapy.
Moringa Oleifera has other characteristics which make it a good compliment to a cancer prevention or treatment plan. It contains an enormous amount of nutritional content; Moringa Oleifera contains vitamins, minerals, and amino acids which are critical for good health. It is loaded with calcium, iron, potassium, protein, Vitamin A and C, and many more properties which promote a healthy body that has the tools to fight cancer. It is known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-allergenic, and pain relief uses. It has also been put to use to fight a variety of infections.
This incredibly useful tree has grown popular of late due to its ability to help sustain populations that have otherwise been fraught with nutritional problems. It tends to grow in areas where access to food and clean water are more complicated. The successes that many have had with Moringa Oleifera in promoting good health in some of the most devastated areas have lead many scientists to examine its properties closely. It is fast emerging as a means to prevent cancer. It is also gaining notoriety as a product which helps cancer patients who are currently undergoing pharmaceutical treatment.
Fighting cancer is about equipping your body with the tools to fight every day. While drug therapies are very useful in this fight, it is also key that naturally occurring dietary options are used as well. Total health will give a cancer patient the endurance to battle the disease with full energy. The anti-tumor properties in Moringa Oleifera will be of special interest to cancer patients. Also, for those undergoing chemotherapy, the chemoprotective properties associated with this wonderful plant will empower the patient to stand strong when using chemotherapy to fight cancer. Investigate the studies which show this plant to be useful in a comprehensive battle against cancer. Always be sure to discuss all of your treatments options with your doctor, including your choice of dietary supplements, as interactions between chemicals must always be closely monitored when undergoing drug treatment. Moringa Oleifera has exciting potential as an ally in the war against cancer.
Lupus Treatment
Treating Lupus with Moringa Oleifera
What is Lupus? an inflammatory, autoimmune disease, often affects the joints, skin, blood, and kidneys, and the exact cause of this chronic condition is unknown and cannot be easily defined. Authorities in the medical field indicate that it may result from a combination of factors, such as am individual’s genetic makeup along with certain unknown triggers of the disease, a bit like combining a lighted match and gasoline.
Those recently diagnosed with lupus will want to focus on reducing inflammation and managing the various symptoms that are related to the disease to maintain balance in their lives and avoid depression, panic, and fear.
There are also two essential steps they can take:
* Learn to avoid flare-ups – Direct sunlight is the most common cause for one, but they may also be triggered by certain skin and scalp products or some medication you are taking. This may mean that you will need to take a vitamin D supplement, and you will also want to discuss all of your medications with your primary care physician.
* Learn to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle – This should include moderate exercise on a regular basis, giving up smoking if you are a smoker, following an anti-inflammatory diet, and taking nutritional supplements, especially omega-3s.
Why lupus victims look for alternative medications
The cost of the drugs generally used in treating lupus victims is prohibitive, and there is the possibility of serious side effects as well. Also, while they may alleviate some of the symptoms, research has yet to reveal that they actually hinder the process of the disease or help prevent damage to the organs.
Following an alternative treatment may help the patient cope with lupus or reduce the amount of stress endured by anyone who is dealing with a chronic illness. If the patient’s physician believes that one of the approaches has some merit and no negative factors, it can become part of that individual’s treatment plan, enabling him or to make an informed decision about how to proceed.
How Moringa Oleifera helps lupus patients
Moringa (also known as the horseradish tree) is a purely natural extract found in tropical regions that has been widely used in the East as a medication for centuries. It is also considered to be much safer to use than the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are often prescribed for lupus patients, including Voltaren, Kaspo, Adoil, and others. The various side effects of these drugs include the risk of kidney, circulatory, and digestive problems, just to name a few, increasing the risk of serious medical complications. Moringa, on the other hand, is less toxic than the other remedies,—and at least as effective. moringa is easy to combine with most medication because there have been no adverse reactions to it, and it contains no known impurities.
Sharing your Moringa Experience with others is great way to let everyone know how powerful Moringa can be!
Do you have a Moringa Experience?
E-mail your personal testimonies to ( We would love to hear your testimonies and now you have a great opportunity to show us your own experienced about moringa/malunggay.
Did you grow up with a Moringa Tree in your backyard or maybe your mom put Moringa leaves in your food.
Here a couple of testimonies of some people who have been drinking moringa products for some time. Maybe you can relate to some.

Dale Taylor, Tuczon AZ
It wasn't until the late 90's that my whole life changed physically. I loved snowmobiling in the back country of Wyoming how ever this day was one not to be forgotten. I triggered and Avalanche and CRASHED my snowmobile into a full grow tree which give me a severe injury on my lower back. My whole life was turned around by this one single set of circumstances. The question now became how I to move forward and how I to able to find myself a cure for all the suffering pain in my back. A product found me in my time of need and it so blessed my life that I felt it a disservice to not share it with others about the “Moringa.” This miracle tree has given me my life back when I thought the world was totally against me. I will end this buy saying one last thing. Where there is a will there is a way and the how will not matter.

Sharon Haire, Denver, CO
"I didn't think it could help...
I have absolutely no bad things to say about Moringa. I had a pain in my foot around my ankle and I honestly couldn't walk normally for a week and then finally decided to take care of it... I bought Moringa capsules and it was great! I could honestly feel the difference after a months later taking Moringa and the next day I could actually walk with much less discomfort.. Moringa really made me feel healthier and my skin is much soother than before, You should definitely try Moringa and you will see the difference!

Kelly Chen, Los Angeles,
I had no idea why this happened.
I am an extremely lucky person. I was blessed with a healthy first pregnancy, labor/delivery. However, I wasn't so lucky and had a partial molar pregnancy the second time around. I had no idea why this happened - and then Moringa changed my life. (NOT an easy thing to believe after all the moringa products speak to itself). I was eating McDonald's daily, and the only time I exercised was walking to my phone. Now, I eat better, feel better. Moringa is a good natural miracle herbs supplement- truly cares about you and your health, and not only will nourish your body, it will help you to fight diseases from unhealthy food. I wish there were 10 stars here - It would earn them!

Ricky Georges, Kansas
I was able to move more freely
I was in pain and I was tired all of the time. I saw Miracle Moringa products at facebook. I was curious to try it and over a few weeks, my pain and low energy were much better. I am able to move freely with the simple drink of "Moringa Capsules," which also were easy to buy at very affordable price. Thank you, Moringa, for giving me my health back!

Jerry Scott, Phoenix, Arizona,
'I'm feeling younger and healthier'
After 24 years as a mail carrier and my car accident, my knees and back were a mess -- bad arthritis that's worse when it rains. Drinking Moringa Capsules and moringa tea helped me fix my problems. Over a few months of taking moringa, I was able to move more freely. The diet, and nutrition have helped me so much. Thank you, Moringa!

Joanne Galvez, Lancaster, CA
'I became better in a short time'
Before I discover Moringa, I received three spinal pain-block shots over a period of months, with little or no relief from the pain. I also had numbness running down my legs. I was stiff and felt a lack of energy. My husband friend, suggested that I come for a better solution for my health problem. At first, I was reluctant, but with constant suffering I decided to try Moringa capsules. I was so amazed the effectiveness of Moringa, I feel much better and healthier, Now, My low back disk pain and low energy that I suffered before became much better in a short time. I am able to do things that were ‘un-doable’ before.
Vicky Kauffman, Kansas
... I am in awe (and I rarely use the word awe) of the benefits I am witnessing with clients of all ages who suffer from a wide range of ailments. I see changes in everything from constipation to depression, ADHD, acne, chronic fatigue, fertility challenges blood pressure, cholesterol all the way to cancer patients under going chemo therapy. At this point, I know of no other product that addresses so many different diseases and disorders.
Awareness of the health benefits of this extraordinary product keep growing in subtle, quiet ways. Oddly it is a highly profound experience at the same time. A growing knowledge confirms that moringa measures up to each and every benefit and more. Thus, I am proud to share this product with my family, friends, clients and anyone who is truly seeking a richer, happier and more peaceful existence
Dr. Johnnie Green, Beattyville, KY
My name is Dr. Johnnie Green and my background is in Chiropractic. As a former collegiate athlete, I participated in every event from the 400 meter dash to the 10,000 meter run as well as some field events. Although, I was able to have a successful 4 year track & field career, I suffered from 5 stress fractures during that time frame and pain had become a norm. The results--I had severe tendonitis after graduation.
In April 2007, I was introduced to the moringa by Mr. Mike Sims. After taking two moringa capsules per day for 4 days, the tendonitis had diminished. In addition to that, before I only ate breakfast about twice a week, and I was never a "morning person." Although, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I was constantly missing out and my energy levels were always down. However, I have witnessed a significant increase in my energy levels, and I am now more focus than ever. I am sleeping better at night, my metabolism has altered, and my diet is so much healthier.
Ron Golz, Dallas, Texas
Just before I began taking moringa products my Doctor prescribed Cholesterol lowering medication. I decided to see what moringa could do and started taking one teaspoon of moringa leaf powder a day mix with juice or make a tea before I went to sleep. I went back to get blood work taken in 120 days. My total cholesterol went from 214 to 172. My LDL went from 144 to 112. My triglycerides went from 136 to 106. My blood sugars went from 111 to 99. I am very grateful I could avoid the prescription and get healthy with the all natural moringa product.
This is a blog post by a Peace Corp Volunteer from Maine, who's instigated the crop production for a community in Ghana. It's interesting to see someone else who is blown away by the benefits of Moringa Oleifera " Miraculous Tree".
Bassey Ikpeme, Director of DBI Foundation, Nigeria
I am the project director of DBI Foundation, we work with OVC Children living with HIV and other vulnerable children in Rivers State Nigeria, I recently discovered the many uses of moringa in child nutrition, i am very interested in this miracle tree and want to do more research on this herb. Its amazing that a lot of people still are ignorant about this miraculous plant.
Darrell Hanmer [California, USA]
October 12, 2010
My wife & I have been taking Moriga pills for over 3 years now, and we ran out and didn't use them for about a month, and boy did we feel it! Won't do that again. best product on the market!!!!!
Hazelphine Townsend [Maryland, USA]
August 24, 2010
I just received my product this morning, I took the capsules two hours ago and I noticed my energy level is going up, and I have a visitor and this is making me so much better. Thanks I will give you a update from my continued use.
Nicole Swanson [Montana, usa]
July 28, 2010
I took my first dose of moringa Yelixir this morning. I woke up with a headache and within 15 minutes of consumption it was gone. I had energy that lasted throughout the day, i felt alert, clearer, and able to focus. My mood also seemed elevated. I am looking forward to continue using this wonderful product.
Debbie Guadalupe [CA, USA]
April 23, 2010
I have been using moringa for about 6 months now. I am not getting sick as often. I feel great. I do not eat much vegetables, so this is a great supplement. My kids take one a day and I noticed that they have not got sick either. Great Product.
Deborah Vigier [ Canada]
April 21, 2010
I have a compromised immune system and low energy levels. I have just begun taking the moringa capsules and I do feel more energy. Great product!
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ReplyDeleteIt is no secret that I have a very deep and personal relationship with God.
ReplyDeleteI have pushed and resisted that relationship this past year through all the
bullshit I have had to go through living with Herpes but once again, God is
bigger than my stubbornness and broke through that outbreak cold sore and
all I had Genital Herpes. For me personally, hearing over and over how I am
not good enough has really invaded my mind in the worst way possible. I
completely shut down and I was just waking up like is this how life going
to end this temporary herpes outbreak “fuck everybody with herpes if you
know what I mean” but let's be honest here...
It is a cowardly to say no to herbal medicine. It is fear based. And it is
dishonest to what my heart wants. Don't build a wall around yourself
because you are afraid of herbals made or taking a bold step especially
when it's come to health issues and getting cure. So many young men/ women
tell me over and over that Dr Itua is going to scam me but I give him a try
to today I feel like no one will ever convince me about herbal medicine I
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your situation, and what you are all about. Don't hold anything back.
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and that is NOT somewhere you want to be. So my final truth...and I'm just
starting to grasp this one.
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